HOBURBIA খোলার জন্য Second city  Day 7 সম্পূর্ন করতেই হবে তা ছাড়া HOBURBIA খোলা যাবে না।
Day 1 
Go to bowling alley (Secound city) েত and check the bathroom.
The bathroom is locked so talk to the clerk of the bowling alley.
The clerk tells you a man in a silver jacket has the key for the bathroom.
Go to the 7/11 and visit the old man to fight the man in the Silver Jacket. When you beat him you will get a key for the bathroom.
Return to the bathroom where you will get a phone number for Grandpa Joe
Follow Grandpa Joe's instrcutions and go to the train station to get to Hoburbia.
When there you will need to Help the Woman to get the map for Hoburbia. (This might be random and not the same everytime)
Go to Candy Stand and buy a few Wonka Bars.
Go to the Nursing Home and visit Grandpa Joe.
Eat a few of your Wonka Bars.
After talking to Grandpa Joe go into the Internet Room and check your wrappers for the Golden Ticket. (took me three Wonka Bars to get Goldent Ticket...might be random).
Go to Chocolate Factory to start the adventure......that will be put on hold until the next day.

                                                                              Day 2
Beat up kids to get to gate.
Go back to Chocolate Factory.
When asked to sign the release form just simply Copy and Paste our current hobo's name into the blank field. (Hobo's with unique characters in their name might have to change their name to something simple first)
After talking to Wonka just turn around and go out the door you came in originally.

Day 3
Go into Chocolate Factory
Listen to Wonka and then he gives you a key to the Chocolate Factory
Leave the Chocolate Factory
Go to the Candy Store and buy Wonka Bars until the wrapper gives you lucky numbers.
Once you have lucky numbers go back to the Chocolate Factory and go to the Factory Entrance.
Play the Claw Machine and input your lucky numbers for the game. You will get the Choco-Vision Goggles.
Then go to your backpack and equip the Goggles by clicking them.
Go back to the factory and then enter the Chocolate Room
Take a dip in the Chocolate River to get the Video Tape
Go to the Court House
When you are asked questions answer that you were at the Chocolate Room with Wonka and then answer that you don't recall if you were pushed in the River.
Go back to the Factory and enter the Offices of the Boards of Directors and go into the first office to end the mission.

Day 4
Go back to the Factory and enter the Offices of the Boards of Directors and enter the second door to talk to the second director.
The director gives you a lighter and a mission.
Go to Pickety Pete's and apply for a job.
When asked questions I answered as follows and it worked:
- Uncle use to sell MegaPhones
- I am a straight edge
- I have years of experience
- $5.00 an hour
I got the job and a check for $3,000.
Get to work and set the Bring Our Troops Home sign on fire (You must have gasoline on you. Buy from flee market at second city)
Follow the Oompa Loompa's and then pick a fight with them.
Follow the story until you get to Dock in second city and then you get access to the boat.
Go back to the Chocolate Factory and talk to the second director again to end the mission.

Day 5
Visit the third director at the Offices of the Board of Directors.
Visit Grandpa Joe at Nursing Home
You get a mail in your mailbox from Slugworth. Read it.
Go to the Chocolate Factory and you will find the Cane and a Letter from Wonka
Explore the city to coordinates 45, 18 to visit the Newspaper Man.
Get Whistle
Go to backpack and blow whistle to get access to the Inventing Room
Visit Soup Kitchen and get Roast Beef, explore city to get chewed bubble gum.
Use Roast Beef and Chewed Bubble Gum to make Roast Beef Flavored Chewing Gum
Visit the third director again to give him Gum and complete the Day.

Day 6
Visit the fourth director at the Offices of the Board of Directors.
Leave factory and then go to Nursing Home.
Return to Chocolate Factory to hear Charlie's speech.
Equip a metal knife (NOT BLOODY KNIFE) and follow Violet.
Attack Violet and she deflates.
Unsure which choice does what...so if you know let me know:
- Choosing Candy gives you Sweet Bomb
- Choosing Cash gives you $80,000
- Choosing Power gives you +2 power
- Choosing Women gives you $40,000
Visit fourth director again to end the day.

Day 7
Visit the fifth director at the Offices of the Board of Directors.
Make Fizzy Lifting Soda (Soda Water, Soap, Winged Rat Feather) at the Inventing Room.
Go to the Nursing Home to get a mail from Wonka.
Blow whistle to get Oompa Loompas to let you into the Fizzy Lifting Room.
One breast stroke, then burp until you see Door to Janitor's closet
(This might be random and not the same everytime)
Get photographs, bottle of lye, and mop.
Visit fifth director again to end day.

Day 8
Visit the sixth director at the Offices of the Board of Directors.
Visit the Nursing Home to get mail from Charlie.
Read mail and then go meet Charlie in Second City Sewers.
Enter 2nd door (Red Door) and meet Charlie at 20, 8.
Fight Veruca Salt.

Follow her to the Chocolate Room and Run. Read where she goes next and just keep choosing Run until she goes to the Fizzy Lifting Room.
When in the Fizzy Lifting Room choose to flip the switch of the fan.
Follow her outside....and then back inside.
Go to Inventing Room to meet her and then choose to jump out of the way.
Visit the sixth director again and she will tell you she wants Junior Mints.
Go to Inventing Room to make Junior Mints (Chocolate Ice Cream, Altoids, and Lye)....DON'T EAT THEM.
Visit sixth director again to end day.

Day 9
Visit the seventh director at the Offices of the Board of Directors.
Go to Candy Store and buy Red Hots.
Go to Inventing Room and make Gas Soaked Red Hots (Red Hots & Gas)
Go to backpack and use the lighter. The Gas Soaked Red Hots turn into Redder Hots.
Eat the Redder Hots.
Fight the mummy at the Beeramid
(Look Below for Beeramid walk through to get to the mummy)
Get Huge Ass Diamond & Golden Trolley
Visit seventh director again to end day.

Beeramid Walk Through
To Get In:
If you are a beggar then beg the guard. If you are a fighter then fight the guard. If you can't beg or fight your way in then drink Fizzy Lifting Soda and sneak past the guard.
First Riddle:
Q: What is green and red and goes 175 mph.
A: Frog in a Blender
(copy and past the answer)
Second Riddle:
Q: Some bullshit about being brave....
A: Just unequip your armor and weapon and try again.
Third Riddle:
Q: Some shit about a taste of red:

"To reveal the way forward
A crimson proof is required
Show your vermillion taste"
A: After day 5 of the main adventure they sell Rainbow Drops at the Candy Store. Eat these until one turns your tongue red. This will open the door.
Final Room of Beeramid:
During Day 9 of the adventures you can buy Red Hots at the Candy Store. Go to Inventing Room and combine the Red Hots and Gas to make Gas Soaked Red Hots. Go to your backpack and use the lighter and this will light the Gas Soaked Red Hots on fire to turn them into Redder Hots. Eat the Redder Hots and then fight the Mummy and you will beat him getting a Huge Ass Diamond and the Golden Trolley that holds 20 food items.
NOTE - You can complete the Beeramid sooner if you are able to get the Red Hots at the Soup Kitchen as a Special of the Day.

Day 10
Visit Chocolate Factory and listen to Charlie's Press Conference.
Click on the Get Out of Here link and then click to go back.
Visit the eighth director at the Offices of the Board of Directors.
Go to the Executive Parking Garage.
Solve the Puzzle
(look for guide below)
Go to parking garage in Second City and pay the $100 to park the car.
Visit eighth director again to end day.

Guide for Puzzle
This is pretty easy once you get an idea of how the puzzle works. The goal is to get all of the white squares in a row down the middle of the garage.
The first thing to do is to work on it two rows at a time. So start at the top. with the first two rows.
When you click a row the white square in that row will move either to the left or right depending on which way the arrows point on the squares in that row.
So take the first row and click on it to move it to one side or the other. Then move the second row in the opposite direction. Do this until both white squares are on the outside. One on the left and one on the right. Then alternate back and forth clicking the two rows and then white squares should meet up in the center.
Once that happens then move to the third and fourth rows and do the same. Move the white squares to the opposite end of each other and then alternate until they meet in the middle.
Do this two rows at a time until you get to the bottom.
Sorry I don't know how else to show you how to do this because the puzzle starts off in a random spot for everyone so I can't give you a click by click idea of how to do it. But once you get an idea of how they move then you should be able to do it easily.

Day 11
Visit the ninth director at the Offices of the Board of Directors.
Go to the Executive Parking Garage.
Visit the Nursing Home to get a mail from Wonka.
Read the mail and then blow your whistle to get access to the Surveillance Room.
Go to the Surveillance Room and change the channel to Mike Teevee's hobo ID# (1304946)
Fight Mike Teevee
Change the channel to 666 and then flip the switch to the Wonka Vision to send Mike Teevee to hell.
Visit ninth director again to end day.

Day 12
Visit the tenth director at the Offices of the Board of Directors.
Buy a pack of cigarettes from the Flea Market in Tin Can Alley.
Go to Primary School and when asked offer the kid money and swipe your pack of cigs with his candy cigs.
Play the waiting game.
Get a bloody knife, found by rummaging in dumpster behind 7/11.
Go to High School and search for daughter's locker, which is locker 9.
(The only other locker I found anything in was number 8, an alligator that bit me taking 100 life away. All others were empty for me)
Leave the bloody knife in the locker
Go to City Hall and follow Boris.
Go to backpack and use the drivers licenses. Then use the drivers licenses second time.
Use Cell Phone to call City Hall Kitchen (545-5565).
Go to City Hall.
Visit tenth director again to end day.

Day 13
Visit the Nursing Home
Go to the Offices of the Board of Directors and click on the center door.
You will receive a mail from Wonka. Check it.
Return to the Newspaper Man by exploring the city (45, 18)
Go back to Hoburbia map to see the addition of Slugworth's Evil Fortress.
Go to the Evil Fortress.
Select to talk to the workman and then choose to tell him his work sucks. Continue telling him his work sucks until he gets pissed and tosses a hammer at you.
Go to the Tin Can Alley and talk to the Modern Artist.
Give the Modern Artist the hammer to end the day

Day 14

NOTE: Make sure you have a lot of extra T before you start this adventure. At least a full T bar and your meals.

Visit the Modern Artist and buy the Trojan Rat off of him for 200 cans.
Blow Whistle to get Oompa Loompas to help you move Rat.
Go to the Evil Fortress.
Go to the Offices of the Board of Evil Directors and follow the hints to open the doors. (it is different for everyone)
Go into Board Room when it opens.
Fight the Whangdoodle.
Turn 24hourglass to end the day.

If you get J as the first door heres the sequence  ( reset করে করে J নিয়ে আসার চেষ্টা করুন তার পরে নিচের ক্রম অনুসারে চলুন


Day 15
1.Visit the Nursing Home.
2.Visit the Newspaper Man in the city (45, 18)
3..Go to Board Room in the Evil Fortress and beat the Whangdoodle.(With candy effect other wise usually you can not beat him or You have some good star.)
4.Go to Dark Chocolate Room. (After beat Whangdoodle)
5.Climb into the pit and flip the levers located in the Upper Left (5, 16){turn it on, and bottom Must be off}, Upper Right (15, 16){turn it on}, and Bottom Right (15, 20){turn it on}.
6.Go to the main valve (10, 15) and turn it on.[It show success, Other wise it not done]
7.Climb out of the pit and then flip the switch.
8.Go to the Chocolate Factory and then go into the Chocolate Room.
9.Climb into the pit and flip the levers located in the Bottom Left (5, 20){turn it on and Upper must be off) and Upper Right (15, 16){turn it on and bottom must be off}
10.Go to the main valve (10, 15) and turn it off.[It show success, Other wise it not done Check it again.]
11.Go to Board Room in the Evil Fortress and beat the Whangdoodle.(With candy effect other wise usually you can not beat him or You have some good star.)
12.Go back to the Evil Fortress Dark Chocolate Room and flip the switch to transfer the chocolate to the Chocolate Factory.
13.Go back to the Chocolate Factory Chocolate Room and choose to eat something to end the day.
Day 16
Visit the Nursing Home.
Go to Candy Store and get in line (fighters fight, beggars beg, if your stats aren't good enough then wait in line).
Buy two Dark Chocolate Candy Bars.
Eat your candy bar first.
Go to Nursing Home and give the other candy bar to Grandpa Joe.
Go to Chocolate Factory and see mob forming outside.
Go to Evil Fortress.
Go to Dark Chocolate Room and choose to eat something.
Follow the story until you turn the 24hourglass.

Day 17
Visit the Nursing Home.
Go to the Evil Fortress.
Go to the Deinventing Room.
Go to the Wellness Clinic and buy an extra meal. You will get a special brownie.
Go back to the Deinventing Room and choose to rip apart the special brownie. You will get the ID badge for the Executive Dungeon.
Go to your backpack and click the ID badge to equip it.
Go to the Executive Dungeon.
Solve the puzzle like the one found in the Executive Garage. This one is a bit harder but still follows the same concept.
Click the link to Do Something
Keep selecting to put the Whangdoodle's head back into the vat of chocolate until Wonka says "He's dead. He's already dead. Please, have some decency!," then let the Whangdoodle up.
Take Wonka somewhere safe to end the day.

Day 18
1.Visit the Nursing Home.
2.Go to Chocolate Factory
3.Shoot the Wonka on the left.
4.Go to Fizzy Falling Soda Pit. (With more than 5k)
5.Buy a bar of lead.
6.Go to the inventing room in Chocolate Factory and make Fizzy Falling Soda. (Soda water, soap, bar of lead)
7.Drink the Fizzy Falling Soda.
8.Go back to Fizzy Falling Soda Pit and leap into the pit. Use this
burp ------- You are on 54 ft
burp ------------You are on102 ft
burp --------------You are on144 ft
burp -----------------You are on180 ft
burp ---------------------You are on 210 ft
burp -----------------------You are on 234 ft
burp ----------------------------You are on 252 ft
burp ---------------------------------You are on 264 ft
burp ----------------------------------------You are on 270 ft
Flip ------------------------------------You are on 279 ft
Stroke ---------------------------You are on 291 ft
Dogpaddle -----------------You are on 306 ft
Flip -----------------------You are on 324 ft
Burp -------------------You are on 336 ft
Burp ---------------You are on 342 ft
Flip ----------------You are on 351 ft
Flip -------------------You are on 363 ft
Burp ------------------------You are on 369 ft
Stroke ------------------------You are on 378 ft
Flip -----------------------------You are on 390 ft
Burp -----------------------------You are on 396 ft
Dogpaddle-----------------You reach there where you needed.

9. Flip the 24hour Glass.
10.Go to Chocolate Factory to end the day .
Day 19
Visit the Nursing Home.
Explore Hoburbia.
Set out a Chocolate Keg.
Assess the situation.
Then repeat this until you can't set kegs out anymore.
Go to your backpack and blow whistle to get Oompa Loompas to kill Whangdoodles.
Then you must take out the rest of the Whangdoodles one by one (about 5 of them).
Get mail from Charlie.
Go to Chocolate Factory.
Go to Executive Suite to visit Wonka.
Listen to what he has to say to end the day.

Day 20
Visit the Scheming Room in the Evil Fortress.
With the Mop equipped fight Charlie. If you can't beat him still then pay attention to the fight and eat a food that will help you with your stats.
Take Charlie back to the Chocolate Factory.
Wonka asks if he can shoot the gobstopper. If you choose yes then you can't use any type of guns to beat Slugworth at the end. If you don't let him shoot it then guns will hurt Slugworth and you will pick a different way to destroy the gobstopper.
After you choose the day ends.

Day 21
Visit the Chocolate Room
Go to Pickety Pete's
Go to Executive Suite
Destroy the remaining Gobstoppers in a few of the places with the option.
(I have no stats and was able to beat him by choosing Ripaparter, Lighter, Walmart, and the Dumpster)
Go to Executive Suite to end day.

Ways to destroy the Gobstoppers:

-Ripaparter = Slugworth is immune to things invented or deinvented.
-Boxing Arena = Slugworth gains power stat.
-Shooting = Slugworth is immune to all gun weapons.
-Candy Store = Slugworth is immune to candies.
-Dirty Greg's = Slugworth gains speed stat
-Train Station = Unsure.
-Old Man Arena = Slugworth gains strength stat.
-Lighter = Slugworth is immune to fire or anything hot.
-Walmart = Slugworth is immune to all foods that can be bought at Walmart
-Dumpster behind 7/11 = Slugworth is immune to all things that can be found in the dumpster.
-Sting = Slugworth is immune to the Sting and your Mystery Hat and Mythril Bag don't work in your fight.

Day 22
Visit the Executive Suite to get Security Badge from Wonka.
Go to Evil Executive Suite.
With Wonka's Balltop Cane equipped, fight Slugworth.
Follow Slugworth to the Beeramid.
Read the pamphlet that the newspaper guy has at the bottom of the Beeramid in order to get an idea of how Slugworth's immunities work.
Climb up the Beeramid and start the fight with Slugworth.
The fights are broken into two parts...first you feed him something and as long as he isn't immune to it then it will hurt him.....second you defend yourself and as long as he isn't immune to your weapon then you will hurt him.
Keep repeating these steps until you kill him.
Not much advice I can give other than keep feeding him and attacking him with new things until he is dead. If you need to borrow something from the gang's armory then message someone with armory powers that can help you out.
Go to the Chocolate Factory to end the day.

Day 23
Visit the Executive Suite to get $50 reward from Wonka.
Go back to Elivator.
Go back to Executive Suite and give back $50 reward.
Get your real reward, three wishes.

List of Wishes:

1. +25 Power
2. +25 Strength
3. +25 Speed
4. +10 Intelligence
5. +5 Begging
6. +2500 Max Life
7. A Golden Rat
8. $1,500,000
9. +3,000pp
10. A Double - Double
11. Hobo Grail gives an additional +5 awake per day

You get to choose three of those. Choose wisely. Remember the stat increases are a waste in all honesty. The Hobo Grail upgrade is the only one that is a definite in my book.
তাছাড়াও আরও wise  আপনি পাবেন তা হল 

# Wish
খুলতে গেলে লাগবে
#00 Another Wish
#01 +25 Power
#02 +25 Strength
#03 +25 Speed
#04 +10 Intelligence
#05 +5 Begging
#06 +2500 Max Life
#07 A Golden Rat
#08 $1,500,000
#09 3,000 PP
#10 A Double-Double
#11 Hobo Grail Gives an Additional 5 Awake Per Day Obtain the Hobo Grail.
#12 New Items at the Hoburbia Pawn Shop Purchase another wish at the Recycling Center for the first time.
#13 +50 Power Obtain wishes #01, #02, and #03.
#14 +50 Strength Obtain wishes #01, #02, and #03.
#15 +50 Speed Obtain wishes #01, #02, and #03.
#16 +75 Power Obtain wishes #13, #14, and #15.
#17 +75 Strength Obtain wishes #13, #14, and #15.
#18 +75 Speed Obtain wishes #13, #14, and #15.
#19 +100 Power Obtain wishes #16, #17, and #18.
#20 +100 Strength Obtain wishes #16, #17, and #18.
#21 +100 Speed Obtain wishes #16, #17, and #18.
#22 +5 Drinking Collect over 1000 Sludges.
#23 Pawn 5 Extra Items Per Day Collect over 50,000 Pawn Points.
#24 City Hall Booster Pack: +10% to Beg Multiplier, Begging Awards, +1% Beg Stat Gains Solve the City Hall Oompa Loompa's puzzle.
#25 +5000 Max Life Obtain wish #06.
#26 +7500 Max Life Obtain wish #25.
#27 +10000 Max Life Obtain wish #26.
#28 A Refill (+100T)

আন্ডার লাইন করা wise  গুলি প্রাথমিক অবস্থায় উচিত । কারন তা গেমে উচ্চ পর্যায়ে উঠতে সাহায্য করে।

লাল রং করা wise  গুলি প্রাথমিক অবস্থায় উচিত নয় কারণ, +10 Intelligence না নেবার কারণ Intelligence 2500 অতিক্রম করার পরেই এই  wise নেওয়াটা দরকার বলে গুমার রা মনে করেন কেননা ২৫০০ বুদ্ধি পরে বুদ্ধি বাড়ানো দুটি পন্থার মধ্যে একটি হল  wise  +10 Intelligence
আর বেগিং এর ক্ষেত্রেও তাই ১২০০ বেগিং করার পর এটিই একমাত্র উপায়, তাই সব্বোচ্চ লেভেলে যাবার পরে এটা ব্যবহার করাটা ভাল।

A Golden Rat নেওয়াটা নিছকই বোকামি কারন এটার জীবনও একদিন শেষ হয়ে যাবে, আর হোবোওয়ারে সেই ধরনের পদ্ধতি বেশী অবলম্বন করা দরকার যা স্থায়ী ও আপনাকে  সম্পূর্ন সাহায্য করবে।  +3,000pp  টার দরকারন পড়ে না, একসময় আপানর কাছে এত PP (Pawn Point) হয়ে যাবে যা আপনি ব্যবহার করেতে পারবেন না।

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